Today I will be talking about our Target Audience for this film. When we started thinking of this genre what we had predicted for our target audiance was teens to about age 30 both male and female.
With the help of some research I found that thriller is a popular genre targeted mainly to young adults aged 18-25. People at this age are usually drawn in by the intense storylines and graphic action all of which can be found in this genre the majority of the time. Being able to watch and just try to guess and figure out what will happen next calls for an older group to enjoy this particular genre.
Psychological thrillers like Silence of the Lambs and American Psycho, attract a male dominated audience. This can be because they are drawn in by the conventional male leads, and can relate certain characters to people they know or even themselves, helping them engage more to the film.
Works Cited
Thrilleropening2013. "Target Audience Expectations." U1-40 Thriller Opening. N.p., 06 Mar. 2013. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
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